
What is SubscriptionBridge?

Simplifying and extending recurring payments

SubscriptionBridge is subscription management and recurring billing system. It makes it easy for you to use robust recurring payment systems (see a list of supported payment system) while adding a variety of features that help you more efficiently and more flexibly run your subscription-based business.

In a nutshell, SubscriptionBridge will enable your business to sell subscriptions and manage the recurring payment and customer service needs that arise from those sales. Regardless of what kind of subscription-based products or services you are offering - from gym memberships to access to premium online content - SubscriptionBridge will help make the whole process smoother, more automated, and less expensive.

Main features

  • Three integration methods:
  • Automated customer service (e.g. customer's credit card is about to expire)
  • Automated problem resolution (e.g. payment declined: SubscriptionBridge helps you follow-up automatically)
  • Simple tools to upgrade and upsell customers (e.g. change subscription plan, add features, etc.)
  • Multi-language customer interface
  • Customizable notification messages
  • And much more!

Learn more about SubscriptionBridge

about.txt · Last modified: 2010/09/01 04:07 by earlyimpact