


PayOutstandingBalanceRequest allows you to submit a payment to apply to the current account balance. It is recommended that you first call “GetSubscriptionDetails” to obtain the current outstanding balance.

Learn More:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Name Type Occurrence Meaning
PayOutstandingBalanceRequest container required Parent Element
Username string required Merchant API Username (Not your Merchant Center login)
Token string required Hash of API Username and Password. Creating a Token
Guid string always This is the identifier for the subscription and should be referenced in future management requests
Customer container required Parent Element
Customer/Email string required customer email address
Customer/FirstName string required customer first name
Customer/LastName string required customer last name
Customer/BillingAddress container required Parent Element
Customer/BillingAddress/FirstName string required billing first name
Customer/BillingAddress/LastName string required billing last name
Customer/BillingAddress/Company string optional billing company
Customer/BillingAddress/Address string required billing address
Customer/BillingAddress/Address2 string optional billing address line 2
Customer/BillingAddress/City string required billing city
Customer/BillingAddress/Region string conditional billing state code or province
Customer/BillingAddress/PostalCode string conditional billing postal code
Customer/BillingAddress/Country string required billing country
Customer/BillingAddress/Phone string required billing phone
Customer/ShippingAddress container required Parent Element
Customer/ShippingAddress/FirstName string required shipping first name
Customer/ShippingAddress/LastName string required shipping last name
Customer/ShippingAddress/Company optional required shipping company
Customer/ShippingAddress/Address string required shipping address
Customer/ShippingAddress/Address2 optional required shipping address line 2
Customer/ShippingAddress/City string required shipping city
Customer/ShippingAddress/Region conditional required shipping state code or province
Customer/ShippingAddress/PostalCode conditional required shipping postal code
Customer/ShippingAddress/Country string required shipping country
Customer/ShippingAddress/Phone optional required shipping phone
Customer/Password string optional a password for the customer center, which will allow you to use the auto log in feature to avoid double login
Customer/Account string optional an account number of the customer in the 3rd party system
CreditCard container required Parent Element
CreditCard/CardNumber string required valid credit card number
CreditCard/CardType string required card type (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex)
CreditCard/ExpMonth string required expiration month in format “mm”
CreditCard/ExpYear string required expiration year in format “yyyy”
CreditCard/SecureCode string required 3 or 4 digit security code



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Name Type Occurrence Meaning
PayOutstandingBalanceResponse container required Parent Element
Ack string always Success, Error, or Warning
Timestamp string always All responses return the official SB time stamp in UTC/GMT
developer_guide/call_reference/payoutstandingbalancerequest.txt · Last modified: 2012/02/25 23:51 by matt