====== GetSubscriptionsRequest ====== ==== Overview ==== **GetSubscriptionsRequest** will return a list of all subscriptions associated with the store. **Learn More:** * [[:developer_guide:developer_guide#using-the-apis|Using the APIs]] * [[:developer_guide:developer_guide#http-status-code|HTTP Status Codes]] * [[:developer_guide:developer_guide#error-codes|Error Codes]] * [[:developer_guide:developer_guide#troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] ===== GetSubscriptionsRequest ===== ==== XML ==== string string ==== Elements ==== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Occurrence ^ Meaning ^ | **GetSubscriptionsRequest** | container | required | Parent Element | | Username | string | required | Merchant API Username (Not your Merchant Center login) | | Token| string | required | Hash of API Username and Password. [[:developer_guide:developer_guide:LinkID|Creating a Token]] | | LinkID | string | required | The Subscription Package ID [[:developer_guide:developer_guide:LinkID|Learn More]] | ===== GetSubscriptionsResponse ===== ==== XML ==== string string datetime datetime string integer integer datetime currency currency currency datetime integer datetime currency string string timestamp ==== Elements ==== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Occurrence ^ Meaning ^ | **GetSubscriptionsResponse** | container | required | Parent Element | | **Subscriptions** | container | conditional | Parent Element | | **Subscription** | container | conditional | Parent Element | | **Identifiers** | container | conditional | Parent Element | | Identifiers/Guid | string | always | Unique Subscription ID or Order ID | | **BillingDetails** | container| conditional | Parent Element | | BillingDetails/StartDate | datetime | always | Date subscription started | | BillingDetails/EndDate | datetime | conditional | Date subscription ends | | BillingDetails/BillingPeriod | string | conditional | Day, Month, or Year | | BillingDetails/BillingFrequency | integer | conditional | rate at which subscription renews | | BillingDetails/TrialBillingFrequency | integer | conditional | rate at which trial subscription renews | | BillingDetails/TrialEndDate | datetime | conditional | Date trial ends | | BillingDetails/Amount | currency | conditional | recurring price | | BillingDetails/ShipAmount | currency | conditional | recurring shipping fees | | BillingDetails/TaxAmount | currency | conditional | recurring tax fees | | BillingDetails/NextBillingDate | datetime | conditional | next date subscription will charge | | BillingDetails/NumCyclesCompleted | integer | conditional | number of recurring charges completed | | BillingDetails/LastPaymentDate | datetime | conditional | date of the previous (not final) charge | | BillingDetails/LastPaymentAmount | currency | conditional | amount of the previous (not final) charge | | BillingDetails/CurrencyCode | string | conditional | valid ISO Currency Code | | **SubscriptionDetails** | container | conditional | Parent Element | | SubscriptionDetails/Description | string | required | Package Description | | Ack | string | always | Success, Error, or Warning | | Timestamp | string | always | All responses return the official SB time stamp in UTC/GMT |