====== TrialToFullRequest ====== ==== Overview ==== **TrialToFullRequest** allows you to switch the initial billing phase to the second billing phase. The initial billing phase is typically used for a Trial or Free Trial, but it could be any billing period that is different than the next billing phase. **Learn More:** * [[:developer_guide:developer_guide#using-the-apis|Using the APIs]] * [[:developer_guide:developer_guide#http-status-code|HTTP Status Codes]] * [[:developer_guide:developer_guide#error-codes|Error Codes]] * [[:developer_guide:developer_guide#troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] ===== TrialToFullRequest ===== ==== XML ==== string string string string string string string string string string string string string string
string string string string string string
string string string
string string string string string string
string string
==== Elements ==== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Occurrence ^ Meaning ^ | **UpdateCreditCardRequest** | container | required | Parent Element | | Username | string | required | Merchant API Username (Not your Merchant Center login) | | Token| string | required | Hash of API Username and Password. [[:developer_guide:developer_guide:LinkID|Creating a Token]] | | Guid | string | always | This is the identifier for the subscription and should be referenced in future management requests | | **Customer** | container | required | Parent Element | | Customer/Email | string | required | customer email address | | Customer/FirstName | string | required | customer first name | | Customer/LastName | string | required | customer last name | | **Customer/BillingAddress** | container | required | Parent Element | | Customer/BillingAddress/FirstName | string | required | billing first name | | Customer/BillingAddress/LastName | string | required | billing last name | | Customer/BillingAddress/Company | string | optional | billing company | | Customer/BillingAddress/Address | string | required | billing address | | Customer/BillingAddress/Address2 | string | optional | billing address line 2 | | Customer/BillingAddress/City | string | required | billing city | | Customer/BillingAddress/Region | string | conditional | billing state code or province | | Customer/BillingAddress/PostalCode | string | conditional | billing postal code | | Customer/BillingAddress/Country | string | required | billing country | | Customer/BillingAddress/Phone | string | required | billing phone | | **Customer/ShippingAddress** | container | required | Parent Element | | Customer/ShippingAddress/FirstName | string | required | shipping first name | | Customer/ShippingAddress/LastName | string | required | shipping last name | | Customer/ShippingAddress/Company | optional | required | shipping company | | Customer/ShippingAddress/Address | string | required | shipping address | | Customer/ShippingAddress/Address2 | optional | required | shipping address line 2 | | Customer/ShippingAddress/City | string | required | shipping city | | Customer/ShippingAddress/Region | conditional | required | shipping state code or province | | Customer/ShippingAddress/PostalCode | conditional | required | shipping postal code | | Customer/ShippingAddress/Country | string | required | shipping country | | Customer/ShippingAddress/Phone | optional | required | shipping phone | | Customer/Password | string | optional | a password for the customer center, which will allow you to use the auto log in feature to avoid double login | | Customer/Account | string | optional | an account number of the customer in the 3rd party system | | **CreditCard** | container | required | Parent Element | | CreditCard/CardNumber | string | required | valid credit card number | | CreditCard/CardType | string | required | card type (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex)| | CreditCard/ExpMonth | string | required | expiration month in format "mm" | | CreditCard/ExpYear | string | required | expiration year in format "yyyy" | | CreditCard/SecureCode | string | required | 3 or 4 dig ===== TrialToFullResponse ===== ==== XML ==== string timestamp ==== Elements ==== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Occurrence ^ Meaning ^ | **TrialToFullResponse** | container | required | Parent Element | | Ack | string | always | Success, Error, or Warning | | Timestamp | string | always | All responses return the official SB time stamp in UTC/GMT |