Table of Contents

Notifications: List of E-mail Messages Sent


This is a list of e-mails that are sent to the customer, the merchant, or both. Some of these messages are sent automatically when events happened which are not configurable within SubscriptionBridge (e.g. a new customer purchases a subscription: you don't control when that happens). Others are sent when certain, “configurable” events happen (e.g. a reminder after a payment failed). These events are configured in the Notification Settings, which are defined at the store level within the SubscriptionBridge Merchant Center.

List of e-mails sent

1. Confirmation Email

2. Trial To Expire

… where the number of days (“N” and “M”) is defined in the Notification Settings for the store.

3. Subscription Status Switched

4. Successful Payment

5. Unsuccessful Payment

6. Subscription Balance Paid

7. Balance Due

8. Subscription Canceled

9. Subscription Changed

10. New Balance

11. Credit Card Expiring


13. Reminders