Table of Contents
Customer Import Wizard
- Select “Import Subscribers” from the main menu
- Browse for the import file. Note, this file must be in the “.csv” format and have the name of your store key. For your information, the store key will be displayed on the page above the browse button.
- After you locate your file click “Upload”
- Select the “Import Option” that is appropriate. (Each type is explained in detail below.)
- Map the matching columns. Note, if you followed the recommended naming conventions below that mapping will be done automatically.
- Click “Map Fields” when you have completed your mapping
- Review the mappings and click “Start Import Now”
- Your records will be imported and the results will be posted on the screen.
Import Options
Import Only
Import existing profiles from your payment gateway. For example, if you are a new SubscriptionBridge merchant and have existing subscriptions with or PayPal, then you can use this feature to bring those existing subscriptions into our system. The process involves retrieving the recurring billing profiles from your gateway and formatting that information so it can be received by our system. We offer free assistance with this process to help make the experience as painless as possible. Please open a ticket for details.
- The Subscription ID from the gateway is required
- The Customer is NOT emailed
- You can add your own password
- You can add your own account number
- The gateway is NOT contacted, the customer is NOT billed until their next payment date.
- A large number of records can be processed at once
Import and Create
Import a list of customers & credit cards. This option creates a new subscription with your respective gateway. The customer is
- No Subscription ID is required. It is created during the import
- Credit card details are required in the proper format for your gateway
- The Customer is emailed a receipt
- You can add your own password, but existing customers passwords cannot be modified
- You can add your own account number
- The gateway is contacted, the customer is billed (if not FREE Trial)
- The first payment date is the date of the import
- Small batches only. Since the gateway is contacted you cannot process large files.
Sample Import File
Recommended Import Column Names
Column Name | Meaning |
The customer's email. | |
FirstName | The customer's first name |
LastName | The customer's last name |
Account | Optional remote account number or ID |
Password | Option password for this customer. If the email and password match an existing customer the subscription will be linked to the existing account. |
SubscriptionID | This is the subscription id from your gateway. This is not needed if you are creating new subscriptions. We can help you obtain the subscription ids from your gateway. Instructions for PayPal and are also listed in the section below. |
LinkID | This is the Package's Link ID from your SB Merchant Center. |
NextBillingDate | This is only used for existing subscriptions. If you are creating new subscriptions, then this value will be set by SB automatically. |
BillingFirstName | The customer's billing first name |
BillingLastName | The customer's billing last name |
BillingCompany | The customer's company |
BillingAddress | The customer's billing address line 1 |
BillingAddress2 | The customer's billing address line 2 |
BillingCity | The customer's billing city |
BillingRegion | The customer's state or province (use an ISO code, e.g. PA) |
BillingPostalCode | The customer's postal code |
BillingCountry | The customer's ISO country code (e.g. US) |
BillingPhone | The customer's billing phone number |
ShippingFirstName | The customer's shipping first name |
ShippingLastName | The customer's shipping last name |
ShippingCompany | The customer's shipping company |
ShippingAddress | The customer's shipping address line 1 |
ShippingAddress2 | The customer's shipping address line 2 |
ShippingCity | The customer's shipping city |
ShippingRegion | The customer's shipping state or province |
ShippingPostalCode | The customer's shipping postal code |
ShippingCountry | The customer's shipping ISO country code (e.g. US) |
ShippingPhone | The customer's shipping phone |
CardNumber | Valid credit card. Not needed for importing existing subscriptions. |
CardType | Card type (e.g. Visa) |
ExpMonth | 2 digit exp. month |
ExpYear | 4 digit exp. year |
SecureCode | 3 or 4 digit CVV2 code |
RegularAmt | valid amount, no currency symbol, decimal separator |
TrialAmt | valid amount, no currency symbol, decimal separator |
RegularTax | valid amount, no currency symbol, decimal separator |
TrialTax | valid amount, no currency symbol, decimal separator |
RegularShipping | valid amount, no currency symbol, decimal separator |
TrialShipping | valid amount, no currency symbol, decimal separator |
IsShippable | Set to true if there is shipping. Value is boolean (e.g. TRUE) |
ShipName | Shipping service used. |
TaxName | Tax code or description (e.g. PA sales tax) |
AgreedToTerms | Set to true if customer agreed to terms. Value is boolean (e.g. TRUE) |
LanguageCode | Any valid ISO code (e.g. en-US) |
Import Errors
You may send us your import file for error checking prior to your import. We will check your file for errors and send it back to you. However, should your import file contains an error (e.g. invalid credit card number), then the import wizard will stop at that row. The wizard will prompt you to remove all successfully imported rows prior to the error. This will ensure you do not re-import the same rows when you fix the error.
Importing subscription from PayPal Website Payments Pro
Please contact us for details.
Importing subscription from
Please contact us for details.