
ProductCart SubscriptionBridge Add-On - Installation Steps

Installing the SubscriptionBridge Add-On is very easy. The following assumes that you have installed and activated ProductCart on your Web server. If you haven’t done so, perform the ProductCart installation as described in the ProductCart Quick Start Guide, and then continue with the instructions below.

Parent Paths Enabled vs. Parent Paths Disabled

Please select the correct update files depending on the version of ProductCart that you are running. Specifically, if you are running ProductCart on a server that has Parent Paths Disabled, please use the files contained in the “Parent Paths Disabled” folder. Otherwise, use the files contained in the “Parent Path Enabled” folder, which is the most common scenario.

If you are unsure of which version you are running, look at the version number in the Control Panel start page (“menu.asp”). If it includes the letters “PPD”, then you are using the “Parent Path Disabled” version of ProductCart.

Step 1 - Back up your store

If you haven't already done so, back-up your store.

You will not need to turn your store off as the files you will be uploading to it will not interfere with your storefront.

Step 2 - FTP new files to your server

Upload the files to their respective folders, overwriting the existing files. DO NOT delete any of the files that are currently on your Web server.

  • pc
    Many of the SB Add-On files will go into the pc folder. In most cases the new files will over-write existing files. If you are using customized files please backup your existing files before you upload the new files.
  • pcadmin
    Many of the SB Add-On files will go into the pcadmin folder. Please note that the pcadmin folder has likely been renamed on your store. We recommend that you rename the same folder in the update files locally on your computer so that when you FTP the files there is no chance that a new pcadmin folder is created, which would mean that some of your store files are not being updated.
  • includes
    You will also be uploading files to the includes folder. Note that the SB Add-on contains “languages.asp”, which is often edited by ProductCart users. No lines where changed. A few lines were added. Make sure to synchronize the file with your version before overwriting your version. See File Comparisons and Synchronizations for tips on how to compare and synchronize your edited files.

pported versions).

Step 3 - Update the Store Database

  1. Log into the your ProductCart Control Panel
  2. Load the following URL:

    …where is the store URL, productcart is the name of the ProductCart folder (likely renamed on your store) and pcadmin is the name of the Control Panel, which has also, likely been renamed.

  3. You will be prompted to run the database update script
  4. Run the database update script.
    1. If you receive any errors or warnings (e.g. a table could not be updated), run the database update again. In some cases these errors disappear on the second execution of the update.
    2. If the errors persist even after re-running the database update script a few times, leave the store OFF and open a Support Ticket.

Step 4 - Proceed to the Setup Wizard

After completing these steps, the system will display a “No action to be taken” message, and you may continue to the Setup Wizard.

cartintegration/pc_install.txt · Last modified: 2009/12/29 18:54 by earlyimpact